May 24, 2022

2022 April Community Wrap-Up

Hunters, April passed the bayou in a blur! As ever, you amazed and delighted us with all kinds of cool community content and normally we collate our favorites in this very blog. But today, we'd like to introduce you to a new format. Well, new-ish. You may have seen a video version of our community-wrap up that we created to celebrate some of our favorite content from 2021. We loved making it and the feedback was really good too.

So starting this month, we're changing the classic community spotlight blog to a monthly video review. Let us know what you think and if you prefer this format!

But before you dive into the video below, some things aren't changing. As ever, we'd like to remind you to share your Hunt-inspired creations, whatever they may be, on our social channels. We'll be checking out everything that's shared, and your content might just feature in next month's wrap-up too. You can find us on Discord, Xbox Club, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Xbox, Steam, and TikTok.

Your Hunt Creator Community Showcase Video for April:

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Now it's time to treat yourself to some more great video content, this time from our one of our 'Night of the Hunter' partners. This month we have a highlight video from 'Vombuz' showcasing some sick solo sniper rifle gameplay. Enjoy.

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Thank you to everyone who shared their creations with us in April. Don't forget to post your Hunt-inspired content on our social channels so we can check it out in time for next month's wrap-up!

  • Your Hunt: Showdown Community Team


Don't own Hunt yet? Why?! Get a copy for PC on Steam or from the Crytek store. For Xbox, head to the Microsoft Store, and for PS4, visit the PlayStation Store.

Got feedback, queries, or questions? Stop by our social media channels and let us know: Discord + XboxClub + Facebook + Twitter + Instagram + Xbox + Steam + TikTok.

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