March 06, 2024

​Desolation’s Wake is live now. Dive in today!

In the wake of Desolation, the quiet that settles over the bayou is all too brief. The Backers' influence emerges as they try to make their mark. Echoes from the Land of the Dead rouse those who once fought to keep its gates sealed. Something terrible rides on the wind as bullets fly and the sound of a train approaches from the distance. There are those who want to restore justice in the bayou, and there are those who vow to ensure that nature's law reigns supreme.

Hunters, there's a new Event unfolding in the bayou. This time it's Desolations Wake, and it comes with a load of new rewards, Pacts, and exciting ways to play! Desolation's Wake will go from March 6th until May 8th 2024, which gives you plenty of time to reap the rewards in this Event.

Three Pacts are available in Desolation's Wake:

The Death Pact

Tales from the Land of the Dead whisper through the bayou and stoke new fears. The Death Pact vows to keep the Graven Path sealed and explore what dangers lurk beyond the veil.

Pledging to The Death Pact makes the following Traits available:

Witness – While in Dark Sight, dead Hunters and Monsters are visible and health starts regenerating at a slow rate when close. Also highlighted in Beetle view. (75m)

Resilience (Conditional Effect) – Revive teammates in half the time.

Pact-specific Bonus Pledge Mark: Looting your first Hunter will give 2 Pledge Marks instead of 1. All Hunters looted after this will only give Event Points, like usual.

The Lawful Pact

Sheriff Hardin has rounded up Hunters to restore order and justice to the bayou. The Demented must not rise again. With a new arsenal from a mysterious Backer, the Lawful prepare to purge chaos from the swamps.

Pledging to The Lawful Pact makes the following Traits available:

Peacekeeper – Dead teammates can be revived at the cost of burning some of your Health Chunks. Looting a dead Hunter will restore one Health Chunk.

Packmule (Conditional Effect) – Receive some ammo for all ammo pools when looting a Hunter.

Pact-specific Bonus Pledge Mark: Gaining 30 EPs for the first time will reward 2 Pledge Marks instead of 1. All loots after this will only give Event Points, like usual.

The Primal Pact

Primality ensures there is only one rule of law in the bayou: nature. The only justice they bow down to is delivered by tooth and claw, and they will defend themselves against The Lawful Pact to keep their instincts unsullied.

Pledging to The Primal Pact makes the following Traits available:

Berserker – All melee attacks do double damage.

Beastface (Conditional Effect) – You will not be noticed at all by animals.

Pact-specific Bonus Pledge Mark: Banishing your first Target will give 2 Pledge Marks instead of 1. Banishing another Target will only give Event Points, like usual.

Pledge Marks

Pledge Marks are a special currency that Hunters can earn which gives them additional rewards in the Event. Pledge Marks are no longer used to unlock Pact Traits, and are instead used to unlock Pledge Seals, which in turn give boosts/rewards. Differing from previous Events, vowing will now automatically grant a Pact's single Trait without cost. You can earn Pledge Marks through:

- Banishing your first Boss Target or Wild Target (+1 Pledge Mark)

- Looting your first enemy Hunter (+1 Pledge Mark)

- Earning 30 Event Points during a Mission (+1 Pledge Mark)

- Winning a game of Soul Survivor (1+ Pledge Mark)

Pledge Marks earned by completing one or more of the above are shared with your teammates! If one Hunter earns one, then everyone else also earns one! You can carry and collect a maximum of 4 Pledge Marks at a time.

Event Points

To earn Event Points, you will need to complete the tasks below. Event Points help you progress through the Event and get to the rewards quicker! In Desolation's Wake we have increased the amount of Event Points that can be earned via different Challenges, with the biggest one giving out a whopping 100 Event Points! Check them out below:

  • Interact with Bounty Token at Sealed Cache – 100 EP
  • Extract with at least one Bounty Token – 30 EP
  • Become the Soul Survivor – 30 EP
  • Investigate Master Clue – 30 EP
  • Banishing a Target – 12 EP
  • Looting a Hunter the first time – 12 EP
  • Investigate Event Clues and Rifts – 10 EP
  • Looting a Spine Altar – 6 EP
  • Destroying a Spine Altar – 3 EP

Other Boosts & Rewards

Sealed Caches are a new type of Supply Point that are surrounded by Spine Altars and contain valuable rewards. Each Map can have one Sealed Cache. While some rewards can be found uniquely inside the Sealed Cache, others can manifest outside of it, across the Map. In order to interact with the rewards, the player has to break the Pledge Seal on them by spending Pledge Marks (PMs).

These Pledge Sealed rewards can be accessed by every player once per Mission. However, the following three rewards are exclusively first come, first served, meaning that only one player can interact with them in a Mission:

  • A Bounty Token
  • Full Health Restoration Envelope
  • Master Clue which will show the locations of all Boss Targets.
  • Please note: the Sealed Bounty Token is not available on maps with Rotjaw.

There are also numerous Pledge Sealed rewards that can appear both in Sealed Caches and at Arsenals, Supply Points, Hunting Towers, and Watch Towers:

  • Four Shot Boon: Receive all 4 syringe shot effects. (1PM)
  • Experience Boon: Receive large amount of XP. (1PM)
  • Big Cash Register: Receive large amount of Hunt Dollars. (1PM)
  • Full Restock Box: All Ammo and Tools replenished. (1PM)
  • Explosives Box: Access three explosive Consumables. (1PM / Exclusive)

New Hunter Highlights

For this update and Event, we've got some really cool new Hunters that are available, including The Centipede, The Statesman, The Redneck's Daughter and two Corvid Hunters: Bile and Brood.

The Centipede

Burying the human that was born, something burrowed out from the soil. Not an apparition, nor an imitation, but a barbed and malevolent new avatar of Corruption. But her path was not a straight one, for a more Primal metamorphosis awaited her.

The Centipede can be unlocked via the Free Battle Pass path.

The Statesman

Anonymity serves many purposes, but some ambitions require a forceful hand. Emerging from the clouds of statecraft, The Statesman claims Tokens for the masters he serves, spreading their will amongst the scattered Hunters of the bayou.

The Statesman can be unlocked via the Premium Battle Pass path.

Corvid: Brood

She sacrificed her morals dissecting the Bubonic heart of infection, losing herself in the madness and blight—blood knows her name, and she knows its taste. Now, Emma Davies joins an old colleague in the Hunt to conduct the ghoulish, Corrupted experiments of her dreams.

You can purchase Corvid: Brood via the Event Store with Blood Bonds.

Corvid: Bile

The Corruption is an empiric's dream, and Maxwell Creed works alongside his fellow experimenter to cut the tongues from enemy Hunters, hoping to absorb whispers of their secrets. After all, what better way is there to understand a disease than to become a part of it?

You can purchase Corvid: Bile via the Event Store with Blood Bonds.

The Redneck's Daughter

Born in a barn and madder than a wet hen ever since, Millie Moses always wanted to be like her dear ol' daddy, fighting Corruption to protect their family farm. Now, she's old enough to join the fun…and she's got some serious bones to pick.

You can purchase The Redneck's Daughter via the Event Store with Blood Bonds.

New Weapon Highlights

Mako 1895 Carbine

The Mako 1895 Carbine is a long range, lever-action rifle that delivers a powerful punch with long ammo. It comes with Aperture and Claw variants and can be equipped with Standard, Explosive, and FMJ Ammo.

Caldwell Marathon

The Caldwell Marathon is a fast-firing pump-action rifle that performs best at mid-range. It can be equipped with Standard, FMJ, and Poison Ammo.

These are just a few of the rewards available for the taking! Other highlights include new inspect animations coming to certain Consumables and Tools, The Headsman getting a new look, Explosive Ammo having a higher headshot range, increased splash damage to AI, and much more! For a full list of rewards, details, updates, and bug fixes, make sure to visit our Patch Notes here for the Desolation's Wake event and here for Update 1.16.

See you in the bayou,

The Hunt: Showdown team

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