February 09, 2018

Hunt roadmap and online support

Hunt: Showdown has a lot of forums, social channels, and websites. If you're feeling confused about where to find us talking about what or where to stop by to report a problem or just chat, here's a run-down of all the places you can find us.


We want to be as open as possible about our development process, so we've put our roadmap up on our website. Find out what is coming in the first three patches. Each item will be marked with a status, so you'll know if something is on target, at risk for delay, or already delayed.

Support and chat

Steam forums

Just your good old Steam forums for the Closed Alpha where you can have discussions about the game, receive technical support, view patch notes, or look for a partner.

Official support page

Our official support page is now open. If you have questions relating to Hunt: Showdown, or if you have any technical issues or bugs you want to report, check it out and send us a ticket! But first, check out the Hunt FAQ to see if we have already answered your question.


Join our Discord channel to chat with our community and developers. Here you'll be able to post your favorite clips and fan art, or just talk about the game in general. We also have a LFG channel which you can use to look for a game partner.

You can also tell us your ideas and suggestions for the game. You write down your idea, and then other users vote on whether it is something they agree with. We will take a look at the ideas with the most votes and evaluate whether or not to implement them.

Live stream January 31st

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