April 23, 2018

Hunt Roadmap Updates

You've been playing Hunt, and you've been telling us what you think on social media, the forums, and our feedback page feedback.huntshowdown.com. We've taken a look at your comments, and we've updated the roadmap accordingly.

We have our own vision for Hunt, but Early Access means developing the game together with our community. So we've looked at your comments and made the following additions to the first big roadmap milestone, going live on the Test Server very soon:

- Fall damage
- Poisonous weapons
- More traits – 12 in total
- Bunny-hopping restrictions (jumping will now drain some of your stamina)
- Stance indicator

Join us soon to test it all out on the Test Server, and keep on telling what you like (and don't like) about the game so we can make the best game possible. Together.

As for the future, we are currently reformatting the roadmap page to make it even easier to read and use. Look out for announcements about that with the next round of community feedback additions.

You can view the updated roadmap here.

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