May 16, 2022

Hunt: Showdown –New quest system comes to the bayou

Hunters, today we're excited to announce one of the highlight features for our newest update! Update 1.8.1. has officially launched, and you'll be able to earn more rewards and complete new challenges with our new quest system called “Summons".

Every week, you will be able to "summon" quests to complete when you head into the bayou. There are five different quest categories to choose from, ranging in difficulty from Simple to Legendary. Challenges will include taking down specific enemies, killing grunts, locating boss lairs, and more. Rewards for completing quests will include Blood Bonds and in-game items like explosives and pistols, and available quests will rotate and reset every Monday. You can get all the detail in our FAQ below.

As you know, Hunt is a community-driven game. As the feature rolls out, we want your feedback so we can shape its development as we go forward. And we also know that you are a talented lot full of creativity, so we're asking you to come up with ideas for quests. One winner will see their quest come to the game!

Let us know what quest you'd like to see on our social media channels using the hashtag "#SuggestAQuest". Qualifying quest ideas will be collated by the Hunt: Showdown team and a community vote will be held based on a shortlist. The winning idea will be added to a future update to the game. We can't wait to see what you come up with.

Learn more about the new system and how to #SuggestAQuest in our FAQ:


What are "Summons"?

Summons is the name we are giving to our new quest system that will replace the Daily and Weekly challenges. This quest system will be the first step we take this year towards adding some more engaging elements of progression to Hunt and your daily play sessions.

What is the purpose of "Summons"?

This is a new system designed to be more fun and engaging than the previous system and give you a bit more control over the in-game challenges you wish to take on.

What type of quests are available in this new system?

There are 5 different categories of quests:

  • Simple quests – Can be easily completed by anyone regardless of experience.
  • Core gameplay quests – These will involve tasks focused on the core gameplay loop (clues, bosses, and bounties.)
  • PVP Quests – These will focus on PvP engagements with enemy Hunters.
  • Hardcore quests – A complex set of quests aimed at veteran players.
  • Legendary quests – These will involve the use of specific legendary skins (Hunters or weapons).
What rewards can be earned for the Summons?

Each summons will reward you with a set number of stars (ranging from 1 to 6 depending on the level of difficulty) as well as an in-game reward (Hunt Dollars, weapons, tools, and consumables.)

Legendary quests will also reward 5 Blood Bonds upon first completion.

  • Simple quests – Rewards 1-2 stars
  • Core gameplay quests – Rewards 2-3 stars
  • PVP Quests – Rewards 3-4 stars
  • Hardcore quests – Rewards 5 stars
  • Legendary quests – Rewards 6 Stars
How many stars can I earn per week?

You can earn a maximum of 30 stars per week. Once you have reached this amount, you can then collect your weekly reward of 25 Blood Bonds. The available quests will be reset every Monday.

How many quests can I "summon" at once?

You will be able to summon two different quests simultaneously, with the option to unlock a 3rd slot with Blood Bonds allowing you to have 3 different quests running simultaneously.

Can I complete the same quest multiple times?

Yes, each quest can be selected again and again, and each completion will grant stars. However, the in-game rewards will only be awarded for the first completion of the quest. Subsequent completions will only reward stars.

I picked a quest, but I want to pick a different one instead. What can I do?

You can cancel the quest at any point, but you will lose out on any progress you might have made. Once cancelled, you can then select another quest in its place. Cancelling the quest will not remove it from the list, so you can go back to the cancelled quest later. Progress will not pick up from where it left off when cancelled, however.

Can I re-shuffle the quests if I don't like the choices?

Currently, it is not possible to re-shuffle the quests if you do not like what is available. During this first iteration, we will gather data to help us balance the whole system. This will involve adding new quests, tweaking rewards, and expanding the system even further.

I have an idea for a quest. Where can I submit it?

You can submit any ideas you have through all the usual channels(Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Discord, Steam.) As we progress, we really want to make sure the community is as involved as possible, so we will be making regular requests through our official channels for new ideas and suggestions for the quest system.

Going forward, we will be using a hashtag on our social channels to help us track the ideas you submit. For any suggestions, please make sure to use the #SuggestAQuest so that our Social & Communications team can gather as many of your ideas as possible.

We can't wait to hear your feedback about the new system, and don't forget to send us your ideas for a quest!

See you in the bayou,

- Your Hunt: Showdown Community Team


Don't own Hunt yet? Get your copy for PC on Steam or from the Crytek Shop. For Xbox, head to the Microsoft Store, and for PS4, find Hunt on the PlayStation Store.

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