November 19, 2018

Lawson Delta Concept Art

By now you've probably had a chance to play the new Lawson Delta map, which was added in beta during Update 3.0. ( Don't own Hunt yet? You can buy Hunt now on Steam. )

You've also heard some of the story behind the new map's conception in our recent blog and dev diary video.

Today we've got a few concept art images from that process to share with you, and over the next few weeks, you'll be able to see more on our social media channels. (You can find those on Discord, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Steam.)

Each of these images are from the early design stages of the Lawson Delta map. Enjoy!

Golden Acres exterior ↑

Golden Acres interior ↑

Fort Carmick exterior ↑

Sweetbell Flour exterior ↑

Sweetbell Flour interior ↑

Lawson Station interior ↑

Lawson Station exterior ↑

Nicholls Prison interior ↑

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